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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom
Rise of the Runelords
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The campaign ran from Wednesday, November 4th 2009 to Thursday, March 14th 2013.
The party succumbed one fight before the final big one with two casualties (Dagar the Paladin, Telas the Fighter/Thief) and the last two joining Karzoug the Claimer's team (Marcus the Shadow Dancer and Thorak the Storm Druid).
Let this thread be dedicated to the memories of the various PCs who have fought and died against avaricious evil.
We had close to four years of fun, even if as the GM I did not intend to finish the players off so close to the final goal. We played by the rules, monsters and PCs died by the rules, with no GM screen, no fudging of the dice and only a very tiny handful of re-rolls over the years.

Dear Players,

This is it, the new official thread for our weekly game is now located HERE.

Once the whole team has been made aware of the migration, I shall compile all the pages from the Meetup forum and save them as HTML files. These files in turn will be zipped and stored on this website. Finally I shall edit this message and put a link to these archives, so that all of you will be able to peruse them and recount your exploits to your grand-children while holding a glass of old port in your hand by the fireplace... under an imaginary +4 longsword displayed in 3D above that very same fake fireplace of yours. smile

This site may not look as swank as the Meetup one for the moment, but it can only - and will - improve. You are therefore invited to use it, moan about it in the "Debug" thread, thus directly or indirectly improve it.

I propose that our group makes use of the "Friendship" option in TikiWiki, so we shall invite one another to our respective circle of friends. Note that as your GM, being your friend or not will mean nothing to me, I will still send you ugly monsters to kill your character and laugh maniacally about it later!

Next game
As the Trickster would say (*): "I have conceived of a plan..."
I have designed the golem workshop, got the NPCs ready for the potential social interactions. I have even prepared a little sewer encounter for you to enter the location from below in your search for Ironbriar. The "Buzzing Bumblebee" is now a tavern/inn instead of a mere tavern.

The workshop will have all sorts of Golems and constructs available. This is a shop, you could, and should, visit it as potential customers. Even if buying a Golem would still cost a pretty penny at your current level of earnings.

(*) 300 XP for those who pick up the obscure reference. Nope, not Baldrick.


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Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

No, Baldrick's was a cunning plan. - and often involved a turnip.

All sounds a bit pagan to me. No mention of a hammer?

BTW, tell Ginger to get his site up and running, so I can get his Sponsor Link active again.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


So you know about Constantine and "The Sword" then? Are you a fellow taffer?

TDP, TDP Gold and TMA were, well still are, ace games!


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Forgot to reply about Ginga.
His PC has been in need of a fan for the past two weeks. Something costing at most £5 I guess but like all small things... he never has the time.

I told him about his link being down. I cannot really tell him how to run his business, but shall advise him to outsource his web-hosting.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I know of such a source, our top sponsor, but frankly I am not really looking for new business. However, for a friend, I might be persuaded.

For a consideration, Such as providing play space. If he does not have a site of his own, and merely wants a web presence, he could use a page here. That I would happily do, and even help write it without charge. My guess though is that he would want to sell over the web, and that would not be so easy on here.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

[This is a repost from the Meetup site and a reply to Nick who explained why he could not make it to the game]

There was a very nasty traffic disruption around five o'clock, I guess the diluvian rain spell that hit about quarter past four was responsible. Andrew also mentioned a lot of fire engines and police vehicles. It took me also close to an hour for a fifteen minutes bus ride.

Andrew, David and I have played "Cuba", a pretty good board-game, that was fun.

Marie did not show-up, she had not RSVP anything.
Adam was late as he had explained, we already had started a game of Cuba, but Adam was tired and just off a train, so he left.
Still no news from Jim.

The game will be advertised as normal for next week.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Another repost:

Dear Players,

Bad news: Marie has informed me that due to life intruding on her leisure time allocation, she will be leaving the game.

With Toby still very busy at work - he is excused for an indefinite number of weeks - and Jim not having shown any sign of activity lately, that leaves us with three players down.

As I have anounced already, the game will be on hold for two weeks at the end of the month due to my taking some holidays. This means that this coming Wednesday session will be the last before a two weeks lull in "Rise of the Runelords".

I intend to be recruiting three additional players for the start of the third adventure. Thus I expect the four remaining players to finish "The Skinsaw Murders" by playing Marie's PC. There is of course the possibility of a TPK, but this should be more remote now that you may have a strategy to handle Xanesha.

I expect next week session, or at most the one on July 7th, to see the end of the adventure. The new blood will therefore join at an easy juncture in the campaign.

Because we are in the middle of the transition, I will advertise on both locations for an LV7 game.

Just send me an email so that I may contact you.


Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

I enjoyed Cuba, a little confusing for the first round/game but come the second game my Rum empire was magnificent.

Shame about Marie having to leave, although looking forward to not being the nubie in the group anymore.

Laurent, check your messages.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


'I enjoyed Cuba, a little confusing for the first round/game but come the second game my Rum empire was magnificent.'

Andrew and I will call your victories null and void for two reasons:

  • At the end of one turn the starting player is not chosen as the next one in clockwise rotation but according to the highest number of votes on the last card played. If there is a tie, the player who would have played the card last becomes the starting player.
  • The 4x on the 'golf course' tile allows up to four water resources to be exchanged for 1VP each and not "4 to 1" as I thought it was. There are similar tiles for the other resources that allow "up to 4 for 1 VP each", these are the 'lumber mill' (wood) and 'cement factory' (stone) if my memory does not fail me.

Also it was very rude of you to play to win! biggrin


Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

I did wonder why the numbers were on the arrows and not on the resource like the top of the cards. I guess we played by house rules then, and since everyone agreed ... I shall not destroy the small foil trophy I made for myself.

Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

Just reposting my message from the other board by way of a test....

That's a real shame - hopefully we'll see Marie/Toby/Jim back gaming at some point, if not in this game, then in another. It's been fun, and I hope our paths cross again.

I've been wanting to run something - possibly 7th Sea - for a while, but I'm not sure if we'll have enough players if Laurent is away, especially as any new players will presumably be joining after the break. I guess we could see if anyone else wants to join, but integrating new people into a group and running an unfamiliar system (for most people) might be a bit much. But let's talk about it.....

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Hello there,

It looks like we should have a game. Remember, we still use the Meetup calendar to drop our RSVPs.
David has shown activity on the site, so I guess he is coming tomorrow night.

Just in case we end up being only three, I will bring "Cuba" on the side.

See you tomorrow,


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Yeah... imagine trying to talk our way through a problem rather than killing everything? What were we thinking!? Back on track by the end, though...

As explained during the game, there was no way you could have got Ironbriar handed over at the Golemworks on a Diplomacy check. Apart from the obvious need to get something to do during the game session beyond my saying "Great guys, get a couple of thousands XP each, now good bye, let's go home and see you in two weeks" there were the points I precisely described during the interaction:

  • Magnimar has a heavy bureaucracy and like the EU is blatantly corrupt.
  • Money talks.
  • Making and selling Golems is a very profitable enterprise.
  • Selling expensive wares to people with money, gives one a lot of connections and influence in town.
  • The party was NOT acting on behalf of the city guard.
  • The shop was obviously full of security features.

In less words: the party was threatening the wrong guy. He was sure of himself and believed the law would serve him better than it would have served someone not from Magnimar who threatened him with some fantastic - but true - allegations against a Justice of the city.

In game mechanics: I was not going to hand over the prize on Diplomacy/Intimidate alone.
What would have been next? Going straight to Xin-Shalast and have LV6 PCs scolding a CR20 Thassilonian Archwizard and have him say "Sorry... Greed is not so good after all, here get my magical glaive and all my Ioun Stones" on a good Diplomacy or Intimidate check?

Marcus' interactions were not for naught if they had been taken into account. You sensed that Ironbriar was hiding there indeed, and making the owner aware that the party knew about it could indeed have flushed Ironbriar in the sewers, pun intended.
I also agree that Marcus was not the one who decided to start the fight.
In passing, the discussed potential tumble to get to the Dwarven artisan was ballsy. It could have worked as the Golems were definitely motivated to eradicate a more direct threat: the source of the fireballs and the Ranger. Marcus would have seen Ironbriar downstairs just exiting a secret door into the sewers and there would have been a percentile chance of him ending in the embrace of the Shambling Mound, invisible or not and Marcus witnessing it. XP would have been dished out due to facing an actual challenge.

As it happened Ironbriar did escape through the sewers when he heard the fracas, but had the time to be careful, i.e. sneak at half-speed as per the game rules. He came back later once the action had abated.

See you all in early July.
I will post the event for July 7th later.

If one of you wants to post something on the Meetup calendar and/or here, send me the event text description in an email. Or have someone else post it for you of course.


Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

I think the key fact I didn't realise until later was that Ironbriar wasn't actually on the run/hiding, but just lying low for a while. So I wasn't expecting him to have even thought about leaving the house, and therefore there would be little value in staking the place out. Our 'shopping' trip got us excellent intel on the place, and I thought that the fact that the proprietor was harbouring a known fugitive would put him in enough trouble to be amenable to a mutually advantageous arrangement. But of course, if Ironbriar wasn't a fugitive, he'd nothing to fear because he'd done nothing wrong other than helping a friend out. I should have realised that IB wasn't on the run from the conversation with the Watch earlier on, but I had that idea stuck in my head for some reason. I'd missed the Ironbriar(2) session and probably didn't quite follow what had happened.

I still think talking to the Golem-maker was worth a go, but we should have had a better plan B to launch immediately. Charging in wasn't clever, even if we did some damage and Nick got to fireball the snot out of everything. Diplomacy helped clear up the mess, so no complaints from me about the lack of opportunity to use the skill.

I think the tumble manoeuvre would have been far too risky, even if in hindsight it would have had a chance of success. We've had too many (near)-deaths recently - Marcus couldn't have defeated Ironbriar single-handed even if he'd got past the golems. All good stuff though - a lot of fun and we got there in the end.

Have a great break....

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Just wondering if we're still planning on meeting this wednesday for a game of some sort. I'll play anything to be honest.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

I have posted the event for Wednesday July 7th here and on Meetup.
As Len pointed out on the forums, we are still lacking an RSVP feature at the moment; so please carry on dropping your RSVP on the Meetup site.

On this site I have adopted the following format:

  • Weekly game page update.
  • Short vignette for the calendar.

In essence the old Meetup event fornat has shifted to the TikiWiki "page" and the calendar entry is reduced to location and time information with links to the game's page.

To show that we are transitioning from Meetup to here, the Meetup event page now only mentions the essential info - and for the time being the RSVP status.

Allow me to repeat my offer: if anyone of you has a game in mind and wants an event posted for Wednesday, just drop me an email or a message here and I can set it up for you.
When showing up at "Vague Connections" on Wednesday, please remind Andrew to contact Len about a potential webpage hosting arrangement.

Relaxing and enjoying the footballistic humiliation of France at the hands of Bafana Bafana (Zuid Afrika).


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Technically Ironbriar was on the run, he got his ar#e kicked at the lumber mill after all. When you went to the City Guard, the local captain said something about now understanding all the wild goose chases she had been set upon by Justice Ironbriar. She then sent her agents at the address you gave her. Basically, the Watch is looking for Ironbriar discreetly and there is no "Wanted!" posters in town. So yes, the owner of the Golem-works again had no reason to feel threatened (no "Wanted!" posters).

Now Marcus needs another Bluff check on the captain of the guard, when he brings Ironbriar's head to her. This should be pretty easy as the captain will be willing to believe you, with your bringing the head and all. She might just mentioned that your (fake) intel on the previous whereabouts of Ironbriar was not of the best quality, but she will have no reason to suspect you lied to her previously. Basically Marcus will get a +10 circumstance bonus on whatever Bluff check needed to explain how he came into possession of the ex-Justice's blood dripping Elven head. There might be a monetary reward for that too.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

According to Len, the RSVP system now works.
No need to add yourself at the moment as I have done so as before.

I have just realised that one cannot remove themselves from the list, I will notify the higher instances about this issue.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


You can go to the calendar, move it to July and open the RotR event.
There you should now be able to add yourself to the list of participants.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Once a member's correct username has been added as an RSVP, that user, and that user alone can remove themselves, as they see the "remove me" button. No one who is not already on the list of participants will see the "Remove Me" button, but should see the "Add me" button. The remove me button removes only your own user name from the list.

Those with edit priviledges, or who is Lotharingian, catholic and anti-de Gaulle, can edit out anyone's RSVP just as before. A guest is not removed when the user is removed, but if that guest is a registered user name, they can remove themselves. Otherwise, a guest must be removed by the Game Manager.


Reglathium posts: 8 United Kingdom

Checked out the calendar entry but there was no 'add to list of participants' botton - seems just to be for the 7/7 though as the other events in July have the option.

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The original document is available at