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Heroes wanted . . . competent scoundrels will suffice

Dr.Ofnothing posts: 4

Hi All,

I'm new to Nottingham and am looking to run an old-school AD&D session either Sun. July 14 or Sat. July 13. I've been working on a proper campaign world for a few months now, mostly drawing on some knowledge I've gotten from my work on politics and religion in medieval Europe (I teach History for a living). I'm looking for some mature gamers who like a challenge--this isn't Tomb of Horrors, where _everyone_ dies, but it's no stroll in the park either. I've already got one hardy volunteer (very experienced, and a riot on the dice), but could use a few more players to fill out the party for the first adventure and, if things go well, beyond. I can promise a good challenge, an interesting world, and some quite colourful NPC's (including Dun, the world's filthiest swamp-Ranger, and his scabrous goat companion, You Bastard). Newbies to AD&D are welcome. Power-gamers and rules-lawyers should probably look elsewhere :-)

The title of the first adventure is "Family Values."

Any takers?


Dr.Ofnothing posts: 4

Quick update: we've got two players on board now. 2-3 more would be ideal. Don't be shy . . .


Dr.Ofnothing posts: 4

I should add that this will start as a one-off, but, if things go well and the players are willing, can become a monthly game. I spend a lot of time on each adventure, so weekly would be a bit hard to manage.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Where are you going to be running this? I can't play, mainly due to distance as I am Leicester based, but it would be great to see this one take off and details like venue, timing etc., often help to pique interest of potential players.


Dr.Ofnothing posts: 4

Hi Len,

I'm running this out out of my flat in the Nottingham Arboretum district, which is 3 tram stops or a 10min. walk from City Centre. I think we'll start early afternoon on Sunday, July 14. I don't want to set the next day/time until I know who is on board.

metallfan posts: 1 United Kingdom

Hello Alex!

I was wondering if you're still in a search for adventurers.

I've got a bit over 10 years of experience playing and DMing in Warhammer, Earthdown, Neuroshima and D&D (although the last one I only touched on). By your first post I judge that we have similar approach to RPGs, I also don't like hack'n'slash, but like to immerse myself in the story and love role-playing the character. Before you start crying the tears of joy, that you have found your missing piece of the puzzle, I need to admit that I have never had a chance of playing pen and paper RPGs in language other than Polish, so certain barrier may arise and I want you to know about it. I understand that as a DM you might not wish to face an obstacle like that - I don't know if I'd be up for having a foreigner in my game, so if you decide it's too much to take on, I will understand and no hard feelings will be had. I'm sure I'm up for at least giving it a go though, and who knows where the paths of Forgotten Realms will lead.

Have a great day


The original document is available at