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Slumbering Tsar game

posts: 284

Moving the talk of this game, into it's own thread.

As it stands there is me and three players. Would be good to have one more. [Although I'm kinda thinking that if Ginga is able to host he'd probably join us]

4 players is good with me numbers wise.

Basics of the adventure path:
Starting level: 7
Races: any of the races in the core book.
Classes: Any from Core/APG/Complete magic/Complete Warrior. [Although no Summoner or Gunslinger]
Starting cash: 23,500gp

This adventure is a sandbox like adventure. You have the area of The Desolation and the City of Tsar open to you to explore/plunder. You can choose were you go and in which order you do it in. [Although a gentle GM pointer do the area of The Desolation first then go to the City of Tsar]

Just a side note (to make it a little easier for me) your characters are members of the Pathfinder Society. [It is up to you if you want your characters to have worked together before or if you know each other prior to setting out]

Your characters have been given an job by the Pathfinder Society to investigate the region known as The Desolation, and the deserted city of Tsar.[They have pointed you to the hamlet called "The Camp" as a home base while in the area]
The society is particularly interested in this area for two reasons.

Firstly the old trade route that existed through The Desolation if made safe would mean that the Society would have a significant advantage in trade between the Inner Sea Region and Tian Xia.*

Secondly, the history's of this area report long ago that the (now deserted) city of Tsar was a city held by Orcus. There was a battle between the forces of light and the forces of Orcus, which changed the nature of The Desolation.

Given the history's there must surely be many interesting relics that should be claimed for the Society so that they can be stored safely and be kept out of the wrong hands. The society would also be interested in further information about the battles that happened here as the recorded histories have many gaps in them.

They have mentioned that if you are able to make The Desolation and the City of Tsar safe, they would need a capable group to set up a Pathfinder Society Lodge in the area, and perhaps run the area for the good of the Society.

  • A note, I am placing The Desolation in the area of the Inner Sea called The World Wound. The city that you would have been given this assignment in would be Bard's Gate.

Almort (Ding): Lich Sorcerer
Rondar (Ron): Magus. Now an NPC as he fell at the feet of Orcus in a dream.
Mehilainen Kirkas (Mel): Cleric. Sometimes known as "the one armed Bint"

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Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Hi, I spoke with Ginga and he said it would be ok to run alternate Thursdays and that he currently is involved with enough games at the moment so will sit this one out.

As it stands, there's five of us wanting to play. So, when do we start.

Maybe we could open up some discussion about which character types etc we'd like to play?

I quite fancy having a go at a sorcerer.

posts: 284

Right as we have four players we can start next Thursday.
As for classes if you want to start making them before hand may be best to talk about it here.

I'll put the game in the calender later.

Tonbo posts: 45

I would classify myself as a newbie but have played some Pathfinder games in the past. I would like to join the group and am available Thursday evenings. I was thinking of a Monk or Paladin- basically nothing with too many magic spells to remember to use or prepare.

posts: 284

Right I've put the first game up in the calender for the 29th.

As for character types, from reading the adventure through the following may be of use:

Arcane caster, Divine caster, Melee types would be useful. Later on (when you get into the city of Tsar itself) someone with some trap finding ability would be of help.
A Paladin would be good (especially when you get into Tsar as it was the city of Orcus)

posts: 284

I've just uploaded the Desolation map to the files section of the site. This is the map that the characters would have when your sent out from Bard's Gate.

Would people rather use the first session to build their characters, or would you rather to create your characters prior to the game?

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

"we can start next Thursday"

Make it so! biggrin

Okay: Character Classes... Well I figured since I'm only just learning the rules I’d be better off sticking to a ‘Guy with a sword’-style class (i.e. ‘Fighter’ or something.) Having said that, I have no problem with playing a combat-focussed Rogue either - I just don’t know Pathfinder well enough to put together a tight build at level 7. As for these Arcane / Divine Casters – well tbh the names don't mean a lot to me.

Re: the first session - what can I say... I can have a go at putting a character together before next thursday but chances are I will still need to go over details / problems at the start of the session anyway... Apart from that I'm all for getting on with the adventure asap. (In fact if there is a pre-gen floating around somewhere that can be artfully editted then that would probably be the cleanest solution.)

posts: 284

Hi Tim,

If you want to put together a character before the game that's cool. (I'm likely to be at Vague Connections from about 6ish so if you wanted to go over your character prior to the game)
You may find Pathfinder SRD useful.

If you wanted I could put together a pre-gen fighter character for you if you wanted.

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Perhaps if we come to the session with a rough idea of what we'd like to play, we can try and balance the characters and the party during the first session. Also we will need to roll stats (or are we point buying?) and this will affect the characters slightly.

It looks like four of us are confirmed for this thursday, so far. I'm excited.

posts: 284

Hi Ding,

Good idea, if you all come up with the basic outline of the charicters you'd like to play, and on the first session we will create them. (With luck we will be able to get the first encounter in as well)

Will be going with rolling stats. I tend to like the 4d6 per stat (drop the worst dice). I do tend to have a house rule of no stat under 10. (So re-rolling any stat under 10).

Hit points wise, first level you get max hit points. For levels after that you have the choice of roll or take half.
(eg for a fighter, 1st level 10 (+ con modifier + favored class as applicable). Then 2nd level (an higher)you can either:
a) roll a d10 or
b) Take 6
(in either case + con Mod+ favored class as applicable))

melociraptor posts: 86

Hi all,

I have a slight problem (already) in that I have plans this coming Thursday (it's a one off, I swear!). They've been set in stone for quite some time so I can't really get out of it. Would everyone be majorly pissed if we started the Thursday after (5th)? Sorry to spanner up the workings so soon after asking you guys to form a group...

Having had a quick look through the posts here I don't think anyone's volunteered to play a Cleric yet, so I'm happy to do that, unless having a Cleric and a Paladin would be too divine-heavy.

posts: 284

I could move it to the 5th, however I'd prefer not to. The reasoning for this is that would mean that I'm DM'ing two nights in a row. I'd prefer (if possible) to alternate this game with the Kingmaker game that I run.

However if I'm outvoted by everyone I will move it to the 5th.
Melociraptor if we kept the game at next Thursday I do not think that you'd miss out too much as I envisage the first session to mostly be spent in character generation.

melociraptor posts: 86

Gotcha. That's ok, character gen I can do by myself if you're happy to trust my rolling.

posts: 284

No worries. I'll trust you in your dice rolling. (Although if you come along with a stat line of all 18s and max hit points I may be a little suspicious lol)

melociraptor posts: 86

Ha, duly noted. biggrin

I'll have more of a think about what class I'd like to go with... has anyone else decided for sure?

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

I'm going for a sorcerer, possibly with the undead bloodline, looking into de-buffing the enemy and maybe a little offensive. Chaotic neutral alignment. Not sure what race yet, maybe gnome.

Tonbo is still talking about a paladin as far as I know.

Hope that helps a little.

melociraptor posts: 86

Hmm, I'm thinking I'd like to try either cleric or fighter (unbreakable). I've played a ranger and a rogue and I'd like to give something different a go... But I'm happy to go with the general consensus of the group when it comes to balancing the party.

posts: 284

Looks like we have a Paladin, a sorcerer, maybe a cleric.
I think its possible to make an effective fighting Cleric (which would help out with the fighting and healing).

I'm not sure how a Paladin would react to an undead bloodline sorcerer, but sounds good.

When you get to the city of Tsar, someone may want to take a level in a trap finding class. However there is an alternative method of trap finding... send in a heavily armoured high HP fighter type lol

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Well unless our Wise and Benevolent DM advises otherwise I’m still in for ‘Fighter’.

Fighter, Paladin, Cleric and Sorcerer sounds like a plan to me.

On the subject of traps and such I’d imagine that someone who isn’t wearing Heavy Armour might be best, and if our Cleric goes all Kali-esque, blessing with one hand whilst destroying demons with the other then... does that leave the Sorcerer..?

Just wondering: there must be other important skills that the party would benefit by having a specialist in that we could spread around a bit? I mean it’d be a pretty poor state of affairs if we finally fight our way to Tsar only to realise that no-one can read any of the local lingo or something. rolleyes

Ding said: "looking into de-buffing the enemy"
Honestly, dude, that does sound slightly kinky.

posts: 284

The Desolation area is a an out door based area to explore, so skills wise, the likes of Survival, Knowledge (Geography), (local) and (history) will not hurt.

From reading through I do not remember many (if any) bodies of water so the Swim skill is probably not one to be high on your list of skills.

You do have the The Camp where you can rest up in the Inn and sell things off were needed.
You could, if you wish, look into the Craft skills (and related feats).

(Just hope the Paladin isn't going to be very much "all evil must die on site"... that could cause errm interesting effects in The Camp)

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Hey, thanks for the info.

My main point of reference for all this is "what would I do in Stormbringer". Obviously some of this will translate into Pathfinder, some won’t.

I mean my first impressions of the campaign are that the ‘Pathfinder Society’ must have been smoking some pretty far out stuff, sending just four people to sort this place out. There's either one Epic story or a very long obituary in the making here.

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