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Recruiting for a 'Short' Armagada campaign

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

There has developed a small opening in the Leicester area schedule. I propose to fill it. Leah is not yet ready to replace 'Beholder', and the Armagada campaign is on a temporary hiatus. The new campaign will be a 'short' campaign, but not necessarily in the duration sense.wink

The reason I call it a short campaign is that it will be restricted to characters from two races only. Halflings, or Gnomes. Your choice of class from the 3.5 PHB starting at level one. Your choice of Halfling or Gnome, but roughly equal proportions would be nice for reasons that may never become apparent.

To make matters worse, you should know that in the part of my world where this takes place, Halflings and Gnomes do not get on particularly well. Each race has its legends about the reasons. The Halflings blame the Gnomes, and the Gnomes blame the Halflings. each believes that the races used to work well together in the distant past, but that there was some kind of falling out. in the dim and distant past, whose exact cause seems a mystery.

No one has any valid reason why they distrust each other, and there are even quiet instances of friendships between the races. These friendships are frowned upon by groups of Halflings or Gnomes, but individually it is sometimes different.

Imagine the childish attitude that all red headed kids are freaks and smell funny, apart from you Jimmy, you are different. You are my friend. However I might have to say you smell if my mates are around, 'cos they don't know you like I do. That is what it's like in this community among the adults.

There are quite a few humans, a smaller number of dwarves and elves around, but PCs will all be either Halfling or Gnome, and will like the other PCs whatever their race. (Except when others are around, when they might pretend not to like each other, cos it wouldn't do to get a reputation as a Halfling-lover or Gnome-lover.)

You will not be staying in your own community long, and there will be no openly hostile inter-party actions. You all secretly like each other. Its the rest that smell/steal/eat babies/wet the bed/look funny.

The game days/times/venue is yet to be set in stone, but it will probably be Tuesday Evenings alternate weeks at my place. 'cos I have a games room. That will severely limit numbers and priority will be given to suitable folks who can commit to a regular schedule. Naturally, if you are averse to playing a Gnome or a Halfling, then this campaign will not be your cup of tea.

Why only Gnomes or Halflings? Because I said so. That is what the campaign needs. You should also be aware that I like s bit of backstory, and your backstory can and may well be used if its good and I get the chance. However this is my world, and backstories will have to comply with it, so they should be discussed with me individually before you get too carried away.


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Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Has your magic talking box also started the "I'm not talking to you any more" thing too?
Mine first stopped playing my music for me, then gave up answering the phone, and is now doing the cold silence thing. Its almost like being married to it. lol


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Hahaha exactly! I'm pretty sure she got annoyed at me after saying 'recalculating' so many times when I get confused and don't follow her instructions exactly! So now she refuses to talk at all and hasn't done for months. She knows how to hold a grudge!
Although she did break the silent treatment a couple months back when she just sort of growled at me for a couple of seconds in what I considered to be a sexually charged static-y way, but that might just have been me...

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Sexually charged static-y way? O.o

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I know the voice Charlie, mine did that too.

I guess I should have seen the writing on the wall ages ago, when she kept telling me about bears left and right, but there were never any there.evil


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Oh well, I like to think she still has feelings for me. And the sexually charged static-y noise might have sounded more like a dial-up internet connection, but at least she was trying! biggrin

Anywho! Couple days to go I reckons.

Apoc posts: 78

The time draws near.... An epic battle awaits... Drogo and his fellows face the ultimate danger for the highest stakes...

.... A nest of common rats!


Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Lol, bring it on!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Perhaps with a little help, you will finally be able to get rid of a few common rats in the cellar of a shop in the middle of a town.

To be honest, I never thought that a few ordinary CR1/8 rats in a cellar would prove such a challenge. God help you when you face things capable of holding things, like weapons. lol

Things that actually show up on the CR list as an integer.rolleyes


Apoc posts: 78

Well a lot of us are tired and grumpy from the rampaging Kobolds and devoted worship of insert deity here .


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

And some of us have got rope burns from trying to climb useless Halfling barbarian rope!

But we could have the makings of an epic party of adventures this session... or we could have 5 little people running around and around a basement... Whatever we do though, we can't let the Cleric get distracted by what’s going on in the corner. Shhhh. Focus on the rats!

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Wait waaat? What's happening in the corner???

Apoc posts: 78

Looking forward to the next session already! biggrin

Will hopefully have painted up Drogo by then, and maybe a couple of the others too

Short people waiting for paint

And then i'll have to get on with the rest of my painting too i suppose, the painting cue is about 1000 models! most likely more but it is too scary to count! eekcry

On the painting desk

Hopefully my arm will be fully rested by tuesday week so i can be hurling tridents over stupid distances to kill sneeky goblins wink

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Only another week and a bit to
I also sometimes wish it were less.


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Oooow look at the pretty pictures! biggrin
I hope you've started painting mister!

Exactly one week and some hours to go! Woohoo.

Kal has written himself a letter to pass the time on this bumpy journey...

Pickles is a cleric of Corellon right? And what's Squig the ranger's full name?

Oh and I wish Mini had ranks in ride - she could lead the pony then, so she'd be a Mini Driver! biggrin ... what? I work with what I've got!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Insert Deity here is called St Cuthbert if I remember rightly. wink

And I must say you are brave letting The Stig Squig drive.


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

St Cuthbert, right. I knew that...

And maybe if Squig borrows Pickles' mask he might actually be the Stig! We could even get a bit of a move on then!

Kal has corrected the 'clerical' error in his letter... wink

Apoc posts: 78

Not too quickly, i need to get the goblin goo off of my trident biggrin

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Hmmm, puuurdy minis. I actually have a quite a few just waiting to be painted, which is a pain because I agreed with myself that I wouldn't buy any more until those are done. Damn.

Apoc posts: 78

hehe i know that feeling biggrin i started taking commission work too which ground all my painting to a stop big time!

My poor Blog has been badly neglected cry

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Can you smell that?
Smells like a shameless plug for someone's blog.
No. Who would pull such a stunt... wink Hahaha.

Ooow but look at the colourful minis. biggrin

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